Wayfair API Documentation
Welcome to Wayfair’s public API documentation. The Wayfair API provides a set of actions allowing external users to seamlessly integrate with Wayfair. We hope that this documentation helps you get up and running with your Wayfair integration.
If you are a currently active Wayfair supplier who is interested in integrating with Wayfair's APIs, please submit a ticket here by selecting Inventory & EDI > Set Up an Inventory Feed or EDI Connection with Wayfair from the dropdown menus, then select the API Integration option. You should make these selections even if your initial API integration is for something other than Inventory.
If you are not a Wayfair supplier and would like to become one, please visit our Sell on Wayfair page, which will help you get set up as a Wayfair supplier.
Potential technology partners can visit Wayfair Developer to learn about the advantages of integrating with Wayfair, obtain the necessary information to build a Wayfair integration, and initiate their onboarding process.
Wayfair's API utilizes the OAuth client-credentials grant in a non-interactive profile for authentication and authorization. The majority of API functionality has been made available via GraphQL queries and mutations.
All our tooling currently exists on Wayfair's Partner Home. If you do not have access and would like to build an integration please reach out to your integration contact.
Application Management
This is a page where you can setup and edit your Wayfair client application configurations. If you'd like to do something like get new credentials or rotate your secret you can do so here.GraphiQL
This is an in-browser IDE for interacting with GraphQL endpoints. The GraphiQL page comes with query and mutation sample generation for each GraphQL action you can take on the API, as well as syntax highlighting, auto-completion, and full schema documentation.Sandbox Testing The sandbox environment is a replica of the production environment that contains a subset of the production environment's database content. This facilitates testing by allowing users to manipulate data, evaluate results, and make any necessary changes without the risk of affecting their information in production. The sandbox environment is currently available for the Inventory, Order Management, and Shipping APIs.
To get a token (JWT) use this code:
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using RestSharp;
var authClient = new RestClient("https://sso.auth.wayfair.com/oauth/token");
var requestBody = new {
grant_type = "client_credentials",
client_id = clientId,
client_secret = clientSecret,
audience = "https://sandbox.api.wayfair.com/"
var response = authClient.Execute(
new RestRequest(Method.POST)
.AddHeader("content-type", "application/json")
.AddParameter("application/json", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(requestBody), ParameterType.RequestBody)
import java.io.IOException;
import javax.json.*;
import org.apache.http.HttpClient;
import org.apache.http.HttpPost;
import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;
public class Wayfair_Auth_Client {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
HttpClient client = HttpClient.creadeDefault();
HttpPost authRequest = new HttpPost("https://sso.auth.wayfair.com/oauth/token");
authRequest.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
JsonObject authRequestBody = Json.createObjectBuilder()
.add("client_id", InventoryMutator.clientId)
.add("client_secret", InventoryMutator.clientSecret)
.add("audience", "https://sandbox.api.wayfair.com/")
.add("grant_type", "client_credentials")
authRequest.setEntity(new StringEntity(authRequestBody.toString()));
HttpResponse response = client.execute(authRequest);
var settings = {
'async': true,
'crossDomain': true,
'url': 'https://sso.auth.wayfair.com/oauth/token',
'method': 'POST',
'headers': {
'content-type': 'application/json',
'cache-control': 'no-cache',
'data': {
'client_id': client_id,
'client_secret': client_secret,
'audience': 'https://sandbox.api.wayfair.com/'
$.ajax(settings).done(function (response) {
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->post(
'headers' => ['Content-Type' => 'application/json'],
'body' => json_encode([
'client_id' => $clientId,
'client_secret' => $clientSecret,
'audience' => 'https://sandbox.api.wayfair.com/',
'grant_type' => 'client_credentials'
#! /bin/python
import json
import requests
url = "https://sso.auth.wayfair.com/oauth/token"
payload = '''
"client_id": client_id,
"client_secret": client_secret,
"audience": "https://sandbox.api.wayfair.com/"
headers = {
'content-type': "application/json",
'cache-control': "no-cache",
response = requests.request("POST", url, data=payload, headers=headers)
require "http"
require "json"
response = HTTP.headers({
"Content-Type" => "application/json",
:json => {
"client_id" => client_id,
"client_secret" => client_secret,
"audience" => "https://sandbox.api.wayfair.com/",
"grant_type" => "client_credentials"
curl -X POST https://sso.auth.wayfair.com/oauth/token \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '
"client_id": "YOUR_CLIENT_ID",
"client_secret": "YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET",
"audience": "https://sandbox.api.wayfair.com/"
Sample response:
"scope":"read:inventory write:inventory",
Authentication is performed using an OAuth client-credentials workflow. You POST your client id and secret to the token retrieval endpoint in order to get a new access token. This authenticated token must be included in all future API calls.
Tokens have an expiration of 12 hours, so check the exp
field in the token for the expiration date/time in seconds to see when you will need to re-authenticate by grabbing a new token. It is recommended that you maintain a buffer between the current time and time of expiration. For example, fetching a token every 6 hours would provide you some leeway to get a new token in the event of an outage.
In order to use the Wayfair API you will need to register an application, which will allocate a client id and secret to you. You will pass these client id and secret values to the token endpoint.
The token response will include your access token (access_token
), an expiration length in seconds (expires_in
), the scopes currently assigned to the token (scope
), and the type of the token (token_type
). When making requests to the API, you will need to set your HTTP Authorization
header to {token_type} {access_token}
from your token response. This will look something like Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1Qi...X1rNJFNVGBwmFQ5tepKwno7DEIjDg
Note that the audience URL differs for Sandbox and Production applications. Sandbox applications should use https://sandbox.api.wayfair.com/, whereas production applications should use https://api.wayfair.com/.
Test Endpoint
Make a request to the test endpoint:
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using RestSharp;
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
var client = new RestClient("https://sandbox.api.wayfair.com/v1/demo/clock");
var response = client.Get(
new RestRequest(Method.GET)
.AddHeader("accept", "application/json")
.AddHeader("content-type", "application/json")
.AddHeader("authorization", string.Format("Bearer {0}", token))
import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClients;
import java.io.IOException;
public class ApiClient {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
HttpGet request = new HttpGet("https://sandbox.api.wayfair.com/v1/demo/clock");
clockRequest.setHeader("Accept", "application/json");
clockRequest.setHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + token);
clockRequest.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
HttpClient client = HttpClients.createDefault();
HttpResponse response = client.execute(request);
var clockRequestSettings = {
'async': true,
'crossDomain': true,
'url': 'https://sandbox.api.wayfair.com/v1/demo/clock',
'method': 'GET',
'headers': {
'authorization': 'Bearer ' + token,
'cache-control': 'no-cache',
'content-type': 'application/json'
$.ajax(clockRequestSettings).done(function (response) {
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->get(
'headers' => [
'Authorization' => 'Bearer ' + token,
'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
#! /bin/python
import json
import requests
url = "https://sandbox.api.wayfair.com/v1/demo/clock"
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
response = requests.request('GET', url, headers=headers)
require "http"
require "json"
response = HTTP.headers({
"Authorization" => "Bearer " + token
"Content-Type" => "application/json",
curl -X GET https://sandbox.api.wayfair.com/v1/demo/clock \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ${token}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
Sample response:
"errors": [],
"data": {
"datetime": "2018-10-17T15:53:08-04:00",
"username": "1aphQ6YCp7MXrQDiy4ftv2lU5FQriktUw"
In order to get you off the ground We expose a test endpoint you can use to test both that your credentials work and that you can make requests to the API without issue. Our demo endpoint exists at https://sandbox.api.wayfair.com/v1/demo/clock
, feel free to hit it and get the current time!
Note that you'll probably want to use these samples in conjunction with the authentication samples.
Example Query
query {
identity {
applications {
Example Response
"identity": {
"username": "john.doe",
"email": "john.doe@gmail.com",
"applications": [
"name": "John's First WayPI client"
"name": "John's inventory client"
GraphQL is an API query language. It allows the client to ask the server for only the data which it needs. You can find a primer to GraphQL at graphql.org. GraphQL requests still happen via an HTTP POST, will always have query
as a member of the POST body, and might also have variables
as part of the post body. If you are pointing to a GraphQL endpoint, you will need to add v1/graphql/ to the URL you use to connect to Wayfair.
Note that due to GraphQL's type system, not all types will be included in these documents. You should visit GraphiQL for further schema exploration.
Why GraphQL
We use GraphQL because it gives power back to you to determine just what information you want from the API. GraphQL neatly solves the problems of overfetching and underfetching. You tell the server what data you want, and you only get back the data you wanted.
Retrieving Data
Query #1:
identity {
applications {
Query #2: Simplified
identity {
Query #3: Complex
identity {
applications {
permissions {
scope {
Queries are requests for reading information. Think of them like a normal REST GET request. Queries describe the shape of the data you want to receive, and look like the examples on the right.
Depending on your needs, you can further refine the query. If, for instance, you weren't interested in your application information, you can drop it from the query. Query #2 on the right highlights this. Since we no longer need application information to be returned to our client we drop that field from the query. Now the query only contains the information we really need and the response will match.
You can go the other way too, for instance, if you need more application information you can add the fields you need to the query. For instance, let's retrieve application permissions. In Query #3 we have expanded the query to load some additional information that we didn't have before. Different clients need different data and the flexibility of GraphQL allows our clients to retrieve no more or less than what they need without needing to change the endpoint or performing additional requests.
Updating Data
Example Mutation
mutation {
applications {
application: {
clientId: "my client id",
name: "A better name than before",
description: "An even better description!"
) {
Mutations are how you update data in GraphQL. Mutations look very similar to queries, but require a bit more information. Mutations are always labeled as such, and usually get a name. Consider the example on the right, which updates the name
and description
of an application.
This mutation updates the application, and receives an application back. If you don't need some of the fields back from the mutation, you can drop them just like you would for a query.
Payload for GraphQL call
mutation updateApplication($myApplication: ApplicationInput!) {
applications {
application: $myApplication
) {
"variables": {
"myApplication": {
"clientId": "my client id",
"name": "My variable application",
"description": "A variable description!"
The above example shows how we might send a crafted mutation to the server with values interpolated directly into the request query
member. While this is allowed, it's much better to send your data in the request variables
member. In this case our request looks a bit different.
We have made the query text reusable, and the server will now run the mutation with the values you've sent in the variables
member of your request. In this case, the payload would look like the example to the right.
The Inventory API is used to update your inventory with us.
Save Inventory Mutation
"query": "
mutation inventory($inventory: [inventoryInput]!) {
inventory {
inventory: $inventory,
) {
errors {
"variables": {
"inventory": [
"supplierId": 5000,
"supplierPartNumber": "XXXXXXXX",
"quantityOnHand": 5,
"quantityBackordered": 10,
"quantityOnOrder": 2,
"itemNextAvailabilityDate": "05-31-2021 00:00:00",
"discontinued": false,
"productNameAndOptions": "My Awesome Product"
"supplierId": 5000,
"supplierPartNumber": "YYYYYYYY",
"quantityOnHand": 5,
"quantityBackordered": 10,
"quantityOnOrder": 2,
"itemNextAvailabilityDate": "05-31-2021 00:00:00",
"discontinued": false,
"productNameAndOptions": "My Awesome Product"
The inventory mutation allows you to update your inventory with us. The mutation takes a list of inventory inputs, which can be as long or as short as you like (you'll start getting errors if it gets too long). For the sake of bandwidth, we suggest that you queue your inventory updates and send them no faster than once per minute.
Name | Type | Description |
inventory | [InventoryInput]! | A list of inventory data. One row per part. |
feed_kind | inventoryFeedKind = DIFFERENTIAL | DIFFERENTIAL if the mutation only contains some of a supplier's inventory, otherwise TRUE_UP. |
Type | Description |
TransactionStatus! | Updating inventory is an asynchronous operation that will take up to 15 minutes to be finalized. The transaction returned by this mutation is how clients can track the progress of the operation. |
InventoryInput Type
Name | Type | Description |
supplierId | Int! | The id of the supplier/warehouse that has this product. |
supplierPartNumber | String! | The part number of the product. |
quantityOnHand | Int! | The number of units on hand and still available for sale. |
quantityBackorder | Int | The number of backordered units. |
quantityOnOrder | Int | The number of units allocated to open orders. |
itemNextAvailabilityDate | String | The next time this product will be available. |
discontinued | Boolean = false | Whether or not the product has been discontinued. |
productNameAndOptions | String | The name of the product along with any options to be submitted for it. |
The Order Management APIs allow suppliers to retrieve dropship and CastleGate purchase orders from Wayfair and send updates on milestones in the fulfillment process. Orders can retrieved based off filters such as date or whether it has received a response.
Dropship Order Query
query getDropshipPurchaseOrders {
limit: 10,
hasResponse: false,
sortOrder: DESC
) {
shippingInfo {
warehouse {
products {
event {
The Dropship APIs allow you to accept dropship orders and inform Wayfair when you have shipped the order (backorder or reject responses will still need to be actioned via Partner Home).
The query arguments can be tailored to your needs. For instance, the query in the examples section will pull only open orders (i.e orders with no response), but you could flip the hasResponse
filter to only pull closed orders or omit it altogether to pull all orders.
NOTE: By default, we prefer suppliers to use the getDropshipPurchaseOrders query to review their purchase orders. If you are using the older purchaseOrders query, please contact your Wayfair Integration Representative
with any questions.
Name | Type | Description |
limit | Int = 10 | The maximum number of results to return. If a limit is set and the result set contains more items than the limit, then a subset of the results with a count equal to limit will be returned. If no limit is set, the default is 10. |
hasResponse | Boolean | Whether a Purchase Order has received a response (usually an order acceptance). If the Purchase Order doesn't have a response (hasResponse = false), it corresponds to an OPEN status. |
fromDate | IsoDateTime | The Purchase Order starting date period. Specifies the starting date from which to grab purchase orders. |
poNumbers | [String] = [] | The list of Purchase Order numbers to filter by. |
sortOrder | SortOrder = ASC | Order the result set by ascending or descending order of poDate. |
Type | Description |
[PurchaseOrder] | A list of purchase orders. The result set will abide by the input arguments provided. |
Accept Order Mutation
"query": "
mutation acceptOrder($poNumber: String!, $shipSpeed: ShipSpeed!, $lineItems: [AcceptedLineItemInput!]!) {
purchaseOrders {
poNumber: $poNumber,
shipSpeed: $shipSpeed,
lineItems: $lineItems
) {
errors {
"variables": {
"poNumber": "CS12345678",
"shipSpeed": "GROUND",
"lineItems": [
"partNumber": "ABC123456",
"quantity": 1,
"unitPrice": 17.07,
"estimatedShipDate": "2020-04-27 10:16:44.000000 -04:00"
"partNumber": "CBA654321",
"quantity": 1,
"unitPrice": 15.05,
"estimatedShipDate": "2020-04-27 10:16:44.000000 -04:00"
This mutation lets Wayfair know you have accepted a set of order items. We expect that you have added this to a list of items that need to be picked and shipped from your warehouse. We also expect that you are going to update your inventory shortly using the Inventory API (or another method) to let us know how much product you have in stock.
Name | Type | Description |
poNumber | String! | The number of the order you received from Wayfair that you want to accept. |
shipSpeed | ShipSpeed! | The delivery method of the order. |
lineItems | [AcceptedLineItemInput!] | A list of the parts on the order that are being accepted. |
Type | Description |
TransactionStatus! | Accepting orders is an asynchronous operation. The transaction data returned to you can be used to track the progress of your mutation. |
AcceptedLineItemInput Type
Name | Type | Description |
partNumber | String! | The part number of the item being accepted. |
quantity | Int! | The number of this item that are being accepted. |
unitPrice | Float! | The item's unit price. |
estimatedShipDate | IsoDateTime! | The item's estimated ship date |
Ship Notification Mutation
"query": "
mutation shipment($notice: ShipNoticeInput!) {
purchaseOrders {
shipment(notice: $notice) {
errors {
"variables": {
"notice": {
"poNumber": "AB123456789",
"supplierId": 5000,
"packageCount": 2,
"weight": 184,
"volume": 22986.958176,
"carrierCode": "FDEG",
"shipSpeed": "SECOND_DAY_AIR",
"trackingNumber": "210123456789",
"shipDate": "2020-04-10 12:16:19.000000 -06:00",
"sourceAddress": {
"name": "Wayfair",
"streetAddress1": "4 Copley Place",
"city": "Boston",
"state": "MA",
"postalCode": "02120",
"country": "USA"
"destinationAddress": {
"name": "Jane Doe",
"streetAddress1": "123 Main St.",
"city": "Boston",
"state": "MA",
"postalCode": "02122",
"country": "USA"
"largeParcelShipments": [
"weight": 150
"weight": 150
"smallParcelShipments": [
"package": {
"code": {
"value": "210123456783"
"weight": 92
"items": [
"partNumber": "ABA1012GAD",
"quantity": 1
"package": {
"code": {
"value": "210123456784"
"weight": 92
"items": [
"partNumber": "ABA1012GAB",
"quantity": 1
Alert Wayfair when you have shipped an item.
Name | Type | Description |
notice | ShipNoticeInput! | This input contains all the information about the shipment that Wayfair needs to track the package and relay the information to the customer. |
Type | Description |
TransactionStatus | The Ship Notification is an asynchronous operation. The transaction data returned to you can be used to track the progress of your mutation. |
ShipNoticeInput Type
Name | Type | Description |
poNumber | String! | The identifier for the purchase order that this notice is acknowledging shipment for. |
supplierId | ID! | The identifier of the supplier that is shipping this purchase order out. |
packageCount | Int! | The total number of packages that are a part of this order. |
weight | Float | The total weight of all the packages in this purchase order in pounds. |
volume | Float | The volume of all the packages in this purchase order in cubic feet. |
carrierCode | String! | The standard carrier alpha code (SCAC). |
shipSpeed | ShipSpeed! | The ship speed of this purchase order. |
trackingNumber | String! | The tracking number of the order. |
shipDate | IsoDateTime! | The date the order was shipped. Must be fewer than 10 days in the past and no more than 1 day in the future. |
sourceAddress | AddressInput! | The address the order shipped from. |
destinationAddress | AddressInput! | The address the order is shipping to. |
smallParcelShipments | [SmallParcelShipmentInput!] | A list of the small parcel packages that were shipped. |
largeParcelShipments | [LargeParcelShipmentInput!] | A list of the large parcel items and their packages that were shipped. |
ShipSpeed Type
Name | Description |
SECOND_DAY_AIR | 2nd Day Air Delivery. |
SECOND_DAY_AIR_FREE | 2-Day Delivery -- Free! |
FIVE_DAY_DIRECT | Global 5-Day Direct Delivery |
THREE_DAY | 3 Day Delivery |
CONTAINER | Container |
Delivery per email | |
FEDEX_HOME | FedEx Home Delivery |
GROUND | Small Parcel Courier |
PAKETVERSAND | Small Parcel Courier |
IMPERIAL_POOL_FREIGHT | Imperial Pool Freight |
NEXT_DAY | Next Day Air |
NEXT_MORNING | UK - SP - Next day before noon |
NEXT_DAY_BEFORE_NINE | UK - SP - Next day before 9am |
WILL_CALL | Will Call |
SATURDAY_DELIVERY | UK - SP - Saturday delivery |
TRUCK_FREIGHT_CASKETS_ONE_DAY | Casket Delivery - 1 Day |
TRUCK_FREIGHT_CASKETS_TWO_DAY | Casket Delivery - 2 Day |
CURBSIDE_WITH_UNLOAD | Curbside with unload service |
TRUCK_LOAD | Truck Load |
CURBSIDE | Curbside without unload service |
WHITE_GLOVE_BRONZE | Free curbside |
WHITE_GLOVE_GOLD | Room of Choice & Packaging Removal |
WHITE_GLOVE_TWO_MAN | Premium 2-Man Delivery |
WHITE_GLOVE_PLATINUM | Room of Choice Delivery with Installation |
WHITE_GLOVE_SILVER | Room of Choice |
TRUCK_FREIGHT_THRESHOLD | Truck Freight - Threshold |
ALMO | ALMO - Room of Choice + Removal of Old Appliance |
LARGE_PARCEL_COURIER | Large Parcel Courier |
EUROPEAN_LINE_HAUL | European Line Haul |
ECONOMY | Economy |
WHITE_GLOVE_ROOM_OF_CHOICE | White Glove Delivery - Room of Choice |
TINY_PARCEL | Small Parcel |
LOW_COST_CARRIER | Low Cost Carrier |
AddressInput Type
Name | Type | Description |
name | String! | The name of the residence. |
streetAddress1 | String! | Primary street address information. |
streetAddress2 | String! | Secondary street address information. |
city | String! | The city. |
state | String! | The state or province. |
postalCode | String! | The postal code. |
country | String! | The country code. |
SmallParcelShipmentInput Type
Name | Type | Description |
package | PurchaseOrderPackageInput! | A small parcel package |
items | [SmallParcelItemInput!] | A list of items that are in this small parcel package. |
LargeParcelShipmentInput Type
Name | Type | Description |
partNumber | String! | The part number of the item being shipped large parcel. |
packages | [PurchaseOrderPackageInput!] | The packages that the large parcel item is being sent in. |
PurchaseOrderPackageInput Type
Name | Type | Description |
code | PackageTrackingCode! | The tracking code for the package. |
weight | Float | The total weight of the package. |
SmallParcelItemInput Type
Name | Type | Description |
partNumber | String! | The part number of the item. |
quantity | Int! | The number of this item in the small parcel package. |
PackageTrackingCode Type
Name | Type | Description |
packageTrackingCodeTypeEnum | PackageTrackingCodeTypeEnum! | The type of tracking code. |
value | String! | The value of the tracking code. |
PackageTrackingCodeTypeEnum Type
Name | Description |
TRACKING_NUMBER | A simple package tracking number. |
UCC_128 | A UCC-128 code. |
CastleGate Order Query
query getCastleGatePurchaseOrders {
limit: 10,
hasResponse: false,
sortOrder: DESC
) {
shippingInfo {
warehouse {
products {
event {
For CastleGate purchase orders, you can send an acknowledgment of receipt of the order.
The query arguments can be tailored to your needs. For instance, the query in the examples section will pull only open orders (i.e orders with no response), but you could flip the hasResponse
filter to only pull closed orders or omit it altogether to pull all orders.
Name | Type | Description |
limit | Int = 10 | The maximum number of results to return. If no limit is set, the default is 10. |
hasResponse | Boolean | Whether a CastleGate Purchase Order has received an acknowledgment via API. |
fromDate | IsoDateTime | The CastleGate Purchase Order starting date period. Specifies the starting date from which to grab purchase orders. |
poNumbers | [String] = [] | The list of Purchase Order numbers to filter by. |
sortOrder | SortOrder = ASC | Order the result set by ascending or descending order of poDate. |
Type | Description |
[PurchaseOrder] | A list of purchase orders. The result set will abide by the input arguments provided. |
Acknowledge CastleGate Order Mutation
"query": "
mutation acknowledgeCastleGate($poNumber: String!) {
purchaseOrders {
poNumber: $poNumber
) {
errors {
"variables": {
"poNumber": "CS12345678"
This mutation lets Wayfair know you have acknowledged receipt of a CastleGate purchase order via an earlier query.
Name | Type | Description |
poNumber | String! | The number of the order you received from Wayfair that you want to acknowledge. |
Type | Description |
TransactionStatus! | Acknowledging CastleGate orders is an asynchronous operation. The transaction data returned to you can be used to track the progress of your mutation. |
CastleGate Warehouse Shipping Advice
When Wayfair ships a CastleGate Purchase Order, we create a Warehousing Shipping Advice (WSA) with our own unique identifier called a "WSA ID." Suppliers can query and acknowledge WSAs, and update their current product quantities accordingly.
Get CastleGate Warehouse Shipping Advice Query
"query": "
query getCastleGateWarehouseShippingAdvice($limit: Int32!, $hasResponse: Boolean!, $fromDate: IsoDateTime!, $wsaIds: [String]!) {
purchaseOrders {
limit: $limit,
hasResponse: $hasResponse,
wsaIds: $wsaId,
fromDate: $fromDate
) {
'packages' => [
'shipTo' => [
'shipFrom' => [
'products' => [
"variables": {
"limit": 10,
"hasResponse": false,
"wsaIds": "6F96C5C4-C3C-4D29-84CA-0B050F7E961A",
"fromDate": "2020-04-05 00:05:00"
Get Warehouse Shipping Advice for CastleGate purchase orders.
Name | Type | Description |
limit | Int32 = 10! | The maximum number of records to return. |
hasResponse | Boolean | Indicates whether or not the WSA has been acknowledged. |
WSAIds | [String] | The identifier of the WSA you received from Wayfair. |
fromDate | IsoDateTime | The date beyond which you want to retrieve WSAs in your query output. |
sortOrder | SortOrder = ASC | Order the result set by ascending or descending order of creationDate. |
Type | Description |
WarehouseShippingAdvice | Details about the requested CastleGate WSA. This result will also contain the list of products & packages associated with the WSA. |
Acknowledge CastleGate Warehouse Shipping Advice Mutation
"query": "
mutation acknowledgeCastleGateWarehouseShippingAdvice($WSAIds: [String]!) {
purchaseOrders {
) {
errors {
"variables": {
"WSAIds": ["6F96C5C4-C3C7-4D29-84CA-0B050F7E961A"]
This mutation lets Wayfair know you have acknowledged the receipt of a CastleGate Warehouse Shipping Advice from a query.
Name | Type | Description |
WSAIds | List[String]! | A list of identifiers of the WSA you received from Wayfair that you want to acknowledge. |
Type | Description |
TransactionStatus! | Acknowledging CastleGate WSAs is a synchronous operation. The transaction data returned to you can be used to track the status of your mutation. |
Wayfair has a full suite of APIs to develop automated shipping solutions. They are coordinated to work via the following high-level process:
- Register the orders for shipment
- Call the Register Mutation API for each purchase order received from Wayfair that the supplier plans to ship
- Retrieve shipping documents for the registered orders. For each already registered order, a user can:
- Call the Packing Slip Retrieval API to download the order's packing slips
- Call the Shipping Label Retrieval API to download the necessary shipping labels
- Call the Bill of Lading Retrieval API to download the corresponding Bill of Lading
- Call the Label Generation Events Query to obtain generated shipping information.
Register Mutation
"query": "
mutation register($params: RegistrationInput!) {
purchaseOrders {
registrationInput: $params
) {
consolidatedShippingLabel {
shippingLabelInfo {
purchaseOrder {
shippingInfo {
"variables": {
"poNumber": "CS1234567",
"warehouseId": "5000",
"requestForPickupDate": "2019-03-26 15:30:00"
The Register Mutation is a required prerequisite to almost all integrations for shipping Wayfair orders. Through registration, the supplier lets us know that an order is ready to be shipped from the its warehouse or storage location and Wayfair is able to initiate its planning processes for the upcoming shipment.
Consolidated Items Registration
Additionally to being able to retrieve shipping documents directly in the response of the mutation, you can also push and alter a purchase order's data via the Register Mutation to consolidate items into shipping package. In the following examples, we will only focus on the fields included in the params Registration Input and perform items consolidation by putting item "ABC123" and "DEF456" in the same package unit.
"query": "
mutation register($params: RegistrationInput!) {
purchaseOrders {
registrationInput: $params
) {
consolidatedShippingLabel {
billOfLading {
generatedShippingLabels {
customsDocument {
"variables": {
"poNumber": "CS1234567",
"warehouseId": "5000",
"requestForPickupDate": "2019-03-26 15:30:00",
"packageUnits": [
"unitType": "CARTON",
"value": 10,
"unit": "KILOGRAMS"
"value": 10,
"value": 10,
"value": 10,
"partNumber": "ABC123",
"groupIdentifier": 1
"partNumber": "DEF456",
"groupIdentifier": 1
Name | Type | Description |
registrationInput | RegistrationInput! | The input object required to register a purchase order for shipment |
Type | Description |
LabelGenerationEvent! | An object representing the request to generate shipping documents |
RegistrationInput Type
An input for registering package shipments with Wayfair.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
poNumber | String! | The ID of the purchase order to register | NA |
warehouseId | ID | The ID of the warehouse that is going to fulfill the purchase order | The warehouse ID already assigned to the order in Wayfair's systems |
requestForPickupDate | IsoDateTime | The requested datetime for the order to be picked up for shipping | Time of the registration request |
packageUnits | [PackageUnit!] | The individual package units associated with the purchase order. These can be used to consolidate labels for a single purchase order | Defaults to the shipping data found in Wayfair's catalog |
PackageUnit Type
An input representing a shipping package unit.
Name | Type | Description |
unitType | PackageUnitTypeEnum! | The type of shipping unit. |
weight | WeightInput! | The weight of the package. |
dimensions | DimensionInput! | The length dimensions of the package. |
freightClass | FreightClassEnum | The shipping unit's freight class, which is broadly categorized by weight. |
containedParts | [ContainedPart!]! | The products that should be in a single package. |
PackageUnitTypeEnum Type
The types of packaging units that can be shipped.
Value | Description |
CARTON | A carton (box) unit. |
BAG | A sealed plastic bag unit. |
ROLL | A rolled-up unit. |
OTHER | Any shipping unit that cannot be defined as a carton, roll, or bag. |
WeightInput Type
An input for weight measurements.
Name | Type | Description |
value | float! | The numeric value of the weight measurement. |
unit | WeightUnitEnum! | The unit in which the value is measured. The value for unit can either be 1 for Pounds (lbs) or 2 for Kilograms (kg) |
WeightUnitEnum Type
An enumeration of the different weight units that are supported.
Value | Description |
1 | Pounds (lbs) |
2 | Kilograms (kg) |
DimensionInput Type
An input for a set of 3D (L x W x H) dimensions.
Name | Type | Description |
length | MeasurementInput | The associated object's length |
width | MeasurementInput | The associated object's width |
height | MeasurementInput | The associated object's height |
MeasurementInput Type
An input for 1D-measurements (length and unit).
Name | Type | Description | Default |
value | Float! | The measurement value | None |
unit | LengthUnitEnum | The unit type with which to evaluate the measure value | 1 (Inches) |
LengthUnitEnum Type
Units that can be used to measure a length.
Value | Description |
1 | Inches |
2 | Centimeters |
FreightClassEnum Type
Enumeration of shipping freight classes, broadly categorized as weight range per cubic foot. E.g., class 500 is used to represent freight with a weight density of 0-1 lbs per cubic foot.
Value | Description |
500 | Less than 1 lb - Bags of gold dust, ping pong balls |
400 | 1-2 lbs - Deer antlers. |
300 | 2-3 lbs - Wood cabinets, tables, chairs setup, model boats. |
250 | 3-4 lbs - Bamboo furniture, mattress and box spring, plasma TV. |
200 | 4-5 lbs - Auto sheet metal parts, aircraft parts, aluminum table, packaged mattresses. |
175 | 5-6 lbs - Clothing, couches stuffed furniture. |
150 | 6-7 lbs - Auto sheet metal parts, bookcases. |
125 | 7-8 lbs - Small Household appliances. |
110 | 8-9 lbs - Cabinets, framed artwork, table saws. |
100 | 9-10.5 lbs - Boat covers, car covers, canvas, wine cases, caskets. |
92.5 | 10.5-12 lbs - Computers, monitors, refrigerators. |
85 | 12-13.5 lbs - Crated machinery, cast iron stoves. |
77.5 | 13.5-15 lbs - Tires, bathroom fixtures. |
70 | 15-22.5 lbs - Car accessories & car parts, food items, automobile engines. |
65 | 22.5-30 lbs - Car accessories & car parts, bottled beverages, books in boxes. |
60 | 30-35 lbs - Car accessories & car parts. |
55 | 35-50 lbs - Bricks, cement, mortar, hardwood flooring. |
50 | Over 50 lbs - Fits on standard shrink-wrapped 4X4 pallet, very durable. |
ContainedPart Type
An input representing a product part that is packaged for shipping.
Name | Type | Description |
partNumber | string! | The ordered product's identifier. |
groupIdentifier | integer! | A positive integer to indicate which box the item has this partNumber was placed into. |
LabelGenerationEvent Type
Name | Type | Description |
id | ID! | A numeric identifier for the event |
eventDate | IsoDateTime! | The date and time that the register mutation was called |
pickupDate | IsoDateTime! | The date and time to pick up the shipment |
billOfLading | BillOfLading! | A document describing the contents of the full purchase |
consolidatedShippingLabel | ShippingLabel! | A document containing all the shipping labels required for the packages of the shipment |
generatedShippingLabels | [GeneratedShippingLabels]! | List of information about generated shipping labels (data available only after label was retrieved) |
customsDocument | CustomsDocument! | Information about a specific customs document |
GeneratedShippingLabels Type
Name | Type | Description |
poNumber | Int! | Purchase order number without prefix |
fullPoNumber | String! | Purchase order number with prefix |
numberOfLabels | Int! | Number of labels |
carrier | String! | Carrier for the shipping label |
carrierCode | String! | Carrier code for the shipping label |
trackingNumber | String! | Tracking number for the shipping label |
CustomsDocument Type
Information about a specific customs document.
Name | Type | Description |
required | boolean! | A boolean representing customs document is required or not |
url | string | A URL for downloading this customs document |
Packing Slip Retrieval
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using RestSharp;
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
var client = new RestClient(string.Fromat("https://api.wayfair.com/v1/packing_slip/{0}", purchaseOrderNumber));
var response = client.Get(
new RestRequest(Method.GET)
.AddHeader("accept", "application/json")
.AddHeader("content-type", "application/json")
.AddHeader("authorization", string.Format("Bearer {0}", token))
import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClients;
import java.io.IOException;
public class ApiClient {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
HttpGet request = new HttpGet("https://api.wayfair.com/v1/packing_slip/" + purchaseOrderNumber);
clockRequest.setHeader("Accept", "application/json");
clockRequest.setHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + token);
clockRequest.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
HttpClient client = HttpClients.createDefault();
HttpResponse response = client.execute(request);
var packingSlipRequestSettings = {
'async': true,
'crossDomain': true,
'url': 'https://api.wayfair.com/v1/packing_slip/' + purchaseOrderNumber,
'method': 'GET',
'headers': {
'authorization': 'Bearer ' + token,
'cache-control': 'no-cache',
'content-type': 'application/json'
$.ajax(packingSlipRequestSettings).done(function (response) {
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->get(
'https://api.wayfair.com/v1/packing_slip/' + purchaseOrderNumber,
'headers' => [
'Authorization' => 'Bearer ' + token,
'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
#! /bin/python
import json
import requests
url = "https://api.wayfair.com/v1/packing_slip/" + purchaseOrderNumber
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
response = requests.request('GET', url, headers=headers)
require "http"
require "json"
response = HTTP.headers({
"Authorization" => "Bearer " + token
"Content-Type" => "application/json",
}).get("https://api.wayfair.com/v1/packing_slip" + purchaseOrderNumber)
curl -X GET 'https://api.wayfair.com/v1/packing_slip/${purchaseOrderNumber}' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ${token}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
Sample response: A PDF document download of the requested packing slip.
The Packing Slip Retrieval API provides a simple way to download the packing slip for an individual purchase order.
Name | Type | Description |
purchaseOrderNumber | string | The purchase order number (e.g. "CS12345678") for which to retrieve a packing slip |
Type | Description |
PDF / octetstream | The packing slip document for the requested purchase order |
Shipping Label Retrieval
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using RestSharp;
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
var client = new RestClient(string.Fromat("https://api.wayfair.com/v1/shipping_label/{0}", purchaseOrderNumber));
var response = client.Get(
new RestRequest(Method.GET)
.AddHeader("accept", "application/json")
.AddHeader("content-type", "application/json")
.AddHeader("authorization", string.Format("Bearer {0}", token))
import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClients;
import java.io.IOException;
public class ApiClient {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
HttpGet request = new HttpGet("https://api.wayfair.com/v1/shipping_label/" + purchaseOrderNumber);
clockRequest.setHeader("Accept", "application/json");
clockRequest.setHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + token);
clockRequest.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
HttpClient client = HttpClients.createDefault();
HttpResponse response = client.execute(request);
var shippingLabelRequestSettings = {
'async': true,
'crossDomain': true,
'url': 'https://api.wayfair.com/v1/shipping_label/' + purchaseOrderNumber,
'method': 'GET',
'headers': {
'authorization': 'Bearer ' + token,
'cache-control': 'no-cache',
'content-type': 'application/json'
$.ajax(shippingLabelRequestSettings).done(function (response) {
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->get(
'https://api.wayfair.com/v1/shipping_label/' + purchaseOrderNumber,
'headers' => [
'Authorization' => 'Bearer ' + token,
'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
#! /bin/python
import json
import requests
url = "https://api.wayfair.com/v1/shipping_label/" + purchaseOrderNumber
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
response = requests.request('GET', url, headers=headers)
require "http"
require "json"
response = HTTP.headers({
"Authorization" => "Bearer " + token
"Content-Type" => "application/json",
}).get("https://api.wayfair.com/v1/shipping_label" + purchaseOrderNumber)
curl -X GET 'https://api.wayfair.com/v1/shipping_label/${purchaseOrderNumber}' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ${token}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
Sample response: A PDF or ZPL document download of the requested shipping labels
The Shipping Label Retrieval API provides a simple way to download all the shipping labels for an individual purchase order.
Name | Type | Description |
purchaseOrderNumber | string | The purchase order number (e.g. "CS12345678") for which to retrieve shipping labels |
Type | Description |
PDF / ZPL / octetstream | A document containing the shipping labels for the requested purchase order |
Bill of Lading Retrieval
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using RestSharp;
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
var client = new RestClient(string.Fromat("https://api.wayfair.com/v1/bill_of_lading/{0}", purchaseOrderNumber));
var response = client.Get(
new RestRequest(Method.GET)
.AddHeader("accept", "application/json")
.AddHeader("content-type", "application/json")
.AddHeader("authorization", string.Format("Bearer {0}", token))
import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClients;
import java.io.IOException;
public class ApiClient {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
HttpGet request = new HttpGet("https://api.wayfair.com/v1/bill_of_lading/" + purchaseOrderNumber);
clockRequest.setHeader("Accept", "application/json");
clockRequest.setHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + token);
clockRequest.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
HttpClient client = HttpClients.createDefault();
HttpResponse response = client.execute(request);
var shippingLabelRequestSettings = {
'async': true,
'crossDomain': true,
'url': 'https://api.wayfair.com/v1/bill_of_lading/' + purchaseOrderNumber,
'method': 'GET',
'headers': {
'authorization': 'Bearer ' + token,
'cache-control': 'no-cache',
'content-type': 'application/json'
$.ajax(shippingLabelRequestSettings).done(function (response) {
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->get(
'https://api.wayfair.com/v1/bill_of_lading/' + purchaseOrderNumber,
'headers' => [
'Authorization' => 'Bearer ' + token,
'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
#! /bin/python
import json
import requests
url = "https://api.wayfair.com/v1/bill_of_lading/" + purchaseOrderNumber
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
response = requests.request('GET', url, headers=headers)
require "http"
require "json"
response = HTTP.headers({
"Authorization" => "Bearer " + token
"Content-Type" => "application/json",
}).get("https://api.wayfair.com/v1/bill_of_lading" + purchaseOrderNumber)
curl -X GET 'https://api.wayfair.com/v1/bill_of_lading/${purchaseOrderNumber}' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ${token}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
Sample response: A PDF document download of the requested Bill of Lading
The Bill of Lading Retrieval API provides a simple way to download the Bill of Lading (BOL) for an individual purchase order.
Name | Type | Description |
purchaseOrderNumber | string | The purchase order number (e.g. "CS12345678") for which to retrieve a BOL |
Type | Description |
PDF / octetstream | The Bill of Lading (BOL) document for the requested purchase order |
Label Generation Events Query
query labelGenerationEvents {
labelGenerationEvents (
limit: 1,
filters: [
field: id
equals: "XXXXX"
field: eventDate
equals: "2022-02-01 11:00:000.000000 -05:00"
field: poNumber
equals: "XXXXX"
field: pickupDate
equals: "2022-02-01 00:00:00.000000 -05:00"
shippingLabelInfo {
The Label Generation Events Query returns data associated with previously committed registrations (calls to the Register Mutation). The query can be used to retrieve the appropriate shipping document endpoint URLs, as well as the submitted pick-up date for the shipment and all the information for the related purchase order. After retrieving shipping label it also contains information about generated shipping labels.
Name | Type | Description |
filters | LabelGenerationEventFilterInput = [] | A set of filters for limiting the result set. |
ordering | [orderingInput] = [{asc: "id"}] | A list of ordering types that determine the order in which the result set should be presented. |
limit | Int = 10 | The maximum number of records to return. |
offset | Int = 0 | How deep into the result set to look for the first item. |
Type | Description |
[LabelGenerationEvent!] | A list of Label Generation Events, where each item represents a call to the Register Mutation |
Since we use GraphQL, you'll receive errors in an additional errors
key on the json response. Even though an error has occurred, you'll still receive an HTTP 200 for the status code, and need to check for the presence of errors
on the response object. Below are some business and validation errors that a developer can encounter while performing GraphQL API operations:
Inventory Errors
Fatal Errors
If you receive one of the following errors, your request was not processed. Please fix the issue causing the error and re-submit the request.
User Message | Description |
Your application has not been verified to upload inventory via this API. Please complete the steps in the testing section of this article https://partners.wayfair.com/help/3/article/16. | Unverified application tried to submit production inventory data via the API |
You do not have access to inventory for any suppliers. | Client does not have the scopes required to submit inventory for any suppliers |
The "inventory" argument cannot be empty. | Received inventory mutation request with no inventory data |
Required inputs are missing: {Field Names} | One or more required data fields are missing from the input object. {Field Names} is a list of the required input field not found in the request. |
Validation Errors
If you receive one of the following errors, the valid inputs in the request were successfully processed. Please fix the invalid input and submit another request with the updated data.
Code | User Message | Description |
4001 | Quantity on hand cannot be less than -1. Supplier Part Number: {Part Number} | On-hand inventory quantity for the specified part is invalid. Valid quantities are integers greater than or equal to -1. A value of -1 is only used for distributors whose lead time changes drastically between when the item is in stock and when it needs to be ordered from the manufacturer. If both the distributor and manufacturer do not have an item in stock, the item should be considered out of stock. If you think this situation might apply to you, please contact your Wayfair Integration Manager. |
4002 | Invalid supplier id given: {supp_id}. Supplier Part Number: {part_num} | Invalid or incorrect Supplier ID provided with the part number specified in the request. Please ensure the part number exists for that supplier. |
4003 | Invalid 'quantity_on_hand' or 'item_next_availability_date' for discontinued product for supplier id: {supp_id}. Supplier Part Number: {part_num} | Invalid inputs provided for a product that has been discontinued by the supplier. This to prevent any operations on products that aren't/ won't be available in inventory. |
Order Errors
General Errors
User Message | Description |
Your application has not been verified to accept purchase orders via this API. Please complete the steps in the testing section of this article {Article Name} | Unverified application tried to accept purchase order via the API. |
Invalid purchase order number provided. | Invalid purchase order number for client. PO: {PO Number} |
Invalid quantity provided for one or more parts. | Invalid quantity accepted for at least one part |
Accept Order Errors
User Message | Description |
Cannot accept a purchase order without any line items. | Accept purchase order mutation called with no line items |
Ship speed provided does not match previously provided ship speeds | Supplier attempted to change the ship speed of a previously provided PO response |
Purchase Order {PO Number} does not contain part {PO Part Number} | Supplier attempted to respond to a purchase order with a part that was not part of the order |
Registration Errors
User Message | Description |
Failed Label Generation | Failed Label Generation |
Invalid pickup date provided | Invalid pickup date provided. PO: {PO Number}. If the request for pickup date has an invalid format or fails one of the region (EU) constraints, this error is encountered |
Invalid warehouse ID provided. | Invalid warehouse ID for client. PO:{PO Number}, SuID:{Warehouse ID} |
Failed Registration: {Reason(s)} | Failed Registration: {Reason(s)} |
Shipment Errors
User Message | Description |
At least one small parcel or large parcel shipment must be provided | Attempted to submit ship notice without any small parcel or large parcel shipments |
Supplier provided is not assigned to the given purchase order | Attempted to submit ship notice for a PO with the wrong supplier |
Ship date cannot be in the future | Attempted to submit ship notice with a ship date in the future |
A package cannot be empty | Attempted to submit ship notice with an empty package |
At least one part number is not part of this purchase order | Attempted to submit ship notice with one or more products that were not part of the provided PO |
Ship notice has products with higher quantity than the purchase order | Attempted to submit ship notice with a higher quantity for a product than the PO has |
If you receive one of the following errors, the valid inputs in the request were successfully processed. Please fix the invalid input and submit another request with the updated data.
Code | User Message | Description |
7001 | The supplied value '{sourceAddress.country}' for sourceAddress.country should be a 2 or 3 character country code. | Country fields have a limit of three characters and will truncate any letters beyond that limit. |
7002 | The supplied value '{destinationAddress.country}' for destinationAddress.country should be a 2 or 3 character country code. | Country fields have a limit of three characters and will truncate any letters beyond that limit. |
Terms of Use & Privacy Policy
Please see Wayfair's Terms of Use and Privacy Policy